Deep Oceans

Tunnel into an underworld experience

Deep Oceans is an exhibition of  undersea creatures and life deep down, offer Giant Inflatables the opportunity to create a walk through inflatable tunnel that interfaces the observer with a world of life undersea

The inflatable entrance tunnel experience was constructed so that lighting and undersea images could be projected on to the skin of the inflatable creating an ambiance that will make the participant feel as though they have fallen , like Alice into another universe.

The inflatable entrance tunnel is created with a reference radius of 3m. It has an outer skin that can be used for projecting lights and images onto and a clear inner surface, making the feeling of enclosure a sfe and secure interface journey into the deep sea.

Did you know the Deep Oceans are home to some of the strangest creatures, living under some of the most inhospitable conditions on Earth? Discover more on the web site of this exciting exhibition

For more information of this fantastic inflatable design or how this technology can be applied to an idea you have why not visit our web site and send us an email


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